Maecenas nisl sapien, placerat vel adipiscing at, venenatis sed lorem. Vestibulum sit amet leo et leo blandit venenatis nec blandit risus. Nunc semper sapien ut tortor imperdiet venenatis. Curabitur porttitor enim quis dui blandit pretium. Fusce id metus a magna sodales gravida ut nec sapien. Phasellus laoreet varius tortor, sit amet tempor nisl ultricies ac. Integer eros lectus, fermentum ut neque vitae, gravida commodo erat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
First Come First Serve
I work in projects as they come across myplate and book time accordingly to who submits out ahead of the project due date. Your tardiness is not my misfortune. I like a balanced time approach to my work. So if you want you task completed in a short amount of time it will cost you extra.
Design time is charged accordingly to the necessity and rounded to the minute when billed.
Must be completed within 1 week: $250/hr
Within 2 weeks: $150/hr
Within 3 weeks: $100/hr
If you want this task completed with a two w due date then double time is required on my end to complete your task.
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