Owners Len & Nancy Price have been farming for over 35 years.
Owners Len & Nancy Price have been farming for over 35 years.
Nutkin Knoll Farm is an example of the once typical small New England family farm. The farm was established nearly 200 years ago. In our ownership the past thirty five years, our family has managed the woodlot and fields for maple syrup, Christmas trees and other Balsam Fir products. In 2005 we were recognized ast he Maine Outstanding Tree Farm for our woodlot’s sustainable management and multiple uses involving the public. In addition, extensive flower, vegetable and fruit gardens, livestock and woodlot harvests for personal use sustain the farm.
We feel fortunate to have been caretakers of this farm since 1988. We have worked hard to nurture the potential of what we have and enjoy sharing our farm with the many folks who have found their way here through the years. Many customers comment after a visit that there is a lot going here. They can see that we are “spinning a lot of plates.” The synthesis of the variety of activities has evolved over time. We have learned so much along the way, made many mistakes in the process, had many successes and have discovered we genuinely enjoy the creativity required and rewards gained from farming.
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