Maine Christmas Trees
Maine Christmas Trees are available in five different tree species and average 7-8 feel tall. Come and cut your own or choose from our ready to be picked up selection!
Maine Christmas Trees are available in five different tree species and average 7-8 feel tall. Come and cut your own or choose from our ready to be picked up selection!
We look forward to the tree “chopping” season and seeing Choose and Cut customers at our farm. You are invited to walk through the fields of trees to choose and cut your own tree. A selection of freshly harvested trees from our other fields will also be on display for selection. In addition to our 7-8ft trees we have a good selection of tall trees.
The farm elves on site are here to complete your tree harvest experience.
We hope you enjoy wondering the Christmas Tree fields to find the tree that asks to go to your home for Christmas.
From seed it takes approximately 12 years to grow a 7-8 foot tree.
Use only fresh water and check it twice a day the first week.
It is pretty, sweet smelling and a native sustainable crop that grows well in Maine.
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